加州奥克兰市今日发生枪战 三名警察与一名嫌疑犯枪手被击毙 | ||
www.wforum.com | 2009-03-22 02:12:15 世界军事网 | 0条评论 | 查看/发表评论 | ||
By TERRY COLLINS and LISA LEFF, Associated Press Writers Terry Collins And Lisa Leff, Associated
Oakland police spokesman Jeff Thomason says two officers were shot just after 1 p.m. Saturday after they stopped the suspect's vehicle in east Oakland. One officer was killed and another badly wounded. The suspect fled the scene on foot into a nearby neighborhood, leading to an intense manhunt by dozens of officers. Thomason says officers acting on an anonymous tip found the suspect around 3:30 p.m. barricaded inside a building. Shots were fired and two members of the SWAT team and the suspect was killed.
不到24小时再传喜讯 新型战略级武器试飞 | |
五角大楼激辩一夜,决定重新定义六代机 | |
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福建舰第六次“海试” 弹射舰载机 | |
戴高乐航母还没到亚洲,就收到逐客令 |